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Our Happy Clients


DJ Beauy is a long distance runner who also has a passion for music.

'Out of the Blue', DJ Beauy aka Neil Kinder contacted me, the organiser of the Harrietville Half marathon, asking if I wanted him to DJ at the Finish area of our Event - Free!!

Thinking this might be entertaining for friends & family and volunteers waiting for the runners at the finish we accepted for 2022.

It was a great success! DJ Beauy selected and mixed appropriate music to suit the occasion and the people. It set a terrific 'vibe' in the park and people commented on how much they loved the friendly atmosphere "Welcoming them to Harrietville '' after their run.


We gladly took up his free offer again this year (2023), and unless he wants to run in the Event, we hope he continues to make 'The (foot) hills come alive with the sound of music' next year..

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